Connection MrMC (ATV4) with MySQL database

First export your local database

  • Export your library as a single file to a network location

Setup MySQL Database

  • First SSH into your Synology
ssh root@ipsynology
  • Connect to the database.
mysql -u root -p

Specify MySQL user with -u option. If the user has a password add the -p option. Enter the password used during MySQL configuration when prompted.

  • Create a new database user.

Username is defined with CREATE USER statement while the password is specified with IDENTIFIED BY statement.

  • Grant permissions on video and music databases to the new user.
GRANT ALL ON `MyVideos%`.* TO 'mrmc';
GRANT ALL ON `MyMusic%`.* TO 'mrmc';

All possible permissions are granted with GRANT ALL ON statement to both Kodi video and music databases. User that is being granted permissions is specified with the TOstatement.

  • Exit the database command line tool.
  • Enable the MySQL and your library will be empty
  • Import your previously exported database in the MySQL database
  • Now connect your other MrMc installations with the MySQL database and everything will be synced

Last update Kodi for the Apple TV 2


Kodi v14.1 “Helix” is the last update that you can install on the Apple  TV 2

To update follow these steps:

  1. Open up your terminal/ssh application and enter the following command to log in to your ATV2:
    ssh root@YOUR.ATV2.IP.ADDRESS
    EXAMPLE: ssh root@
  2. You will be asked for a password: default password is alpine
  3. Continue to enter the following commands:
    apt-get update
    apt-get install org.xbmc.kodi-atv2

Synology Notification forwarder BETA package from Qtip


Pushover instellingen:

Helemaal beneden bij Your applications klik je op edit en dan op Create a New Application.

Dan geef je onderstaande info in en klik dan op save

Name: DSM Notifier
Type: Application
Description: Notification forwarder
Url: Niet invullen
New Icon: hier kun je een icoontje laden

Als je dit nu opslaat, krijg je een API Token/key. Deze zal je straks gebruiken in de instellingen voor de forwarder.

Nu zal je de  API Token/Key en je User Key in het veld Username:Password ingeven als volgt:
<API Token/Key>:<User Key> zonder de <>

Als je dit nu test, zal je pushover notifications krijgen op je toestellen.

NTFS harde schijf gebruiken op OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion


Standaard kan je wel van een NTFS geformateerde schijf lezen in OS X, maar wordt schrijven niet standaard ondersteund. Door twee hulpprogramma’s te installeren is dit probleem verholpen.

Eerst installeer je NTFS-FREE for Mac OS X:

Daarna installeer je FUSE for OS X:

Na elke installatie start je de computer opnieuw op.

Unlock sim locked Iphone.


Today someone asked me if it’s possible to unlock an Iphone he got during a trip to the United States.

So I searched the net and arrived on this site For AT&T it’s only 11$, so the need for a jailbreak is obsolete.
The other advantage is that you can normally update your iPhone without losing jailbreak and unlock.

First I propose to do an IMEI check, then you’re sure  on which network the Iphone is simlocked.
Afterwards you choose the appropriate option for your case and wait for the confirmation mail that your device is unlocked. What you have to do is also described in that mail.

  1. Download and install latest version of iTunes.
  2. Now insert SIM card of unsupported network (your local SIM card)and connect your device to the computer.
  3. Wait until iTunes detects iPhone. (Here the Iphone gave activation required, thus disconnected the cable from the pc like described in step 4)
  4. Now disconnect iPhone and reconnect after 10 seconds
  5. After you do it, you will see the congratulation message that your Phone is Unlocked.